Discover helpful tips to get you through the holiday season. 12 Days of Inner Peace was created by Dr. Lisa Belanger’s ConsciousWorks. Dr. Belanger facilitated workshops for the Training Trust Fund in the fall fo 2022 and spoke at the annual TTF conference.

Money Mondays are short, virtual seminars on various financial health topics. All members have access to Money Mondays, in addition to the other resources included in the Financial Wellness Education Plan. Topics for the 2023 Money Mondays include: Tips for Financial Resolution Success, Modeling Healthy Behaviour for Kids, About your Pension Plan, Measuring your Financial […]

The IBEW37 TTF has partnered with LifeWorks to offer the Work to Wellness certificate program to enhance skills in six categories: leadership, mental stamina, stress, productivity, communication, and work-life balance. You can find out more about this program by clicking below.