About Work to Wellness


The IBEW37 Training Trust Fund has partnered with LifeWorks to offer this NEW and exciting program. The Work to Wellness program encourages skill development in six categories: leadership, mental stamina, stress, communication, productivity, and work-life balance.

There are three tiers to the program, outlined below. Participants will receive a certificate of completion for each tier that is successfully completed.

Silver Tier

Participants complete six of the 12 LifeWorks virtual seminars (listed below) – one from each category (leadership, mental stamina, stress, communication, productivity, and work-life balance). Participants would have the option to choose between attending a live seminar or doing a self-directed eLearning course under the stress and mental stamina categories to receive the certificate of completion. Once six of the 12 virtual seminars (and/or optional eLearning modules) are completed, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Gold Tier

Participants complete all 12 LifeWorks virtual seminars (listed below) – two from each category (leadership, mental stamina, stress, communication, productivity, and work-life balance). Participants would have the option to choose between attending a live seminar or doing a self-directed eLearning course under the stress and mental stamina categories to receive the certificate of completion. Once all 12 virtual seminars (and/or optional eLearning modules) are completed, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Platinum Tier

  1. Participants complete all 12 LifeWorks virtual seminars (listed below) – two from each category (leadership, mental stamina, stress, communication, productivity, and work-life balance).
  2. Participants complete the LifeWorks eLearning modules: Building Blocks to Positive Mental Health and Road to Resilience (in addition to the 12 live virtual seminars outlined above).
  3. Participants complete one self-directed learning activity that falls under one of the six program categories (leadership, mental stamina, stress, communication, productivity, and work-life balance) by accessing the Training Trust Fund’s Learning Reimbursement program (could be a seminar, workshop, post-secondary course, etc.). Learning Reimbursement application process must be followed in order to be considered.

Once all three of these are complete, participants receive a Certificate of Completion.

Below is the list of categories and LifeWorks virtual seminar topics that fall under each category.


  • Basic Leadership Skills for Every Job
  • Building Bridges: Collaboration at Work

Mental Stamina

  • Boosting your Positive Outlook
  • Thinking Traps

  • Building Blocks for Positive Mental Health *(option to complete this self-directed eLearning course instead of attending live webinar for Gold and Silver Tiers. Completing the eLearning course is required for Platinum tier.)


  • Stress Reduction Toolkit
  • Overcoming Burnout
  • Road to Resilience (option to complete this self-directed eLearning course instead of attending live webinar for Gold and Silver tiers. Completing the eLearning course is required for Platinum tier.)


  • Communication: The Art of Giving Feedback

  • Assertive Communication


  • Healthy Workplace Habits
  • Practical Productivity

Work / Life Balance

  • The 5 Bucket Principle
  • Set Limits at Work and in your Personal Life

The 2023 calendar of LifeWorks virtual seminars is available now!